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Library Management

At Newgrange Design we have multiple designer available to support with

  • Footprint creation
  • Footprint verification
  • Library Setup
  • Ongoing Library Management

Several of our customers have hired us to both help design and setup their internal centralized library system. Using a centralized library can help reduce the cost of redesigning the same part multiple times.

It can also help standardize the way footprints are designed by default we design to the IPC nominal sizes. Building Footprints is another things we take very seriously, each new part that is built has its own checklist. That is then double-checked by another designer and signed off on. All our default parts are built with mechanical heights added in to take advantage of ECAD-MCAD data sharing.

Once a system is setup we are also often asked to help act as the librarian. We continue to build whatever new parts are needed and add them to the central database. This is the work that was specifically called out as improving a customer’s employee retention.

Please contact us for additional information.